Quick & Easy Ways to Increase Protein Intake

By Jillian Boston
Personal Trainer & Fitness Nutrition Specialist

Protein is a word that I am sure many of you have heard thrown around in a health or fitness setting. But what is protein and why is it good for us?! Answering those two questions will not only help you consume more protein but also consume the right type of protein. So to answer question one, proteins are molecules made up of amino acids that are essential to helping the body function properly. Which leads us to question two, why is it good for us?! Proteins do many things but three of the major roles are:
1) building and repairing muscles, skin and bones,
2) making hormones and enzymes that are imperative for a well-functioning body, and
3) energy when the body cannot rely on another source. 

Needless to say, protein is pretty vital for our survival and the higher quality protein we eat the better we will feel. Protein from natural sources like meat, fish, eggs, and nuts will provide you with the purest forms of protein but you can also get protein from items like protein powder and protein bars. The key when consuming protein from natural sources as well as bars/ powders is to buy the cleanest options available. What I mean by this is trying to avoid additives that come with the protein that will prevent you from absorbing it properly. For instance, a piece of grilled chicken and a piece of fried chicken both have 30 grams of protein. The fried chicken, however, is covered in fatty oils that are harmful to the body. The body will recognize these oils as a threat and try to process the oils out instead of focussing on processing the protein which results in less protein being absorbed. The same holds true for protein powders and bars, you will absorb way more protein from the bars and powders that have real ingredients versus the products that have tons of added chemical ingredients. Bottom line, the better and cleaner the source of protein the more protein you will absorb to help build lean muscle.

Now that you know all about protein you may still be wondering why there is always a buzz about getting protein in after a workout. Basically when you do any type of workout you are breaking down your muscles and in order to repair and build them back stronger you need protein. The better quality protein you consume results in more efficient muscle repair and growth. The way I think of it is, if I’m already spending my time getting a workout in, why not follow it up with the best protein out there?! Now your next question probably is…“but how do I get protein in during the day”. I’ve got you covered with my quick and easy tips for packing protein in. 

  1. Start your day with 20-30 grams of protein. I start my day with a protein packed breakfast, so that no matter where my day takes me I know I’ve already consumed an adequate amount of protein.The benefits of consuming protein in the morning are plentiful. My favorites being that protein helps keep you full, helps your adrenal system function properly, aids in balancing hormones after you wake up, and helps give you sustained energy throughout the day. My go to high protein breakfasts are protein smoothies with chia seeds, two eggs any style with a bowl of plain greek yogurt and berries, or breakfast tacos with ground chicken, sweet potatoes and lots of veggies.
  2. Get protein from your snacks. I don’t know about you but I love a snack! It is actually a lot easier to pack protein into your snack than you might think. Here are some ideas:
    1. At the beginning of the week hard boil 10 eggs and eat two each day for a snack, right there you will consume 12g of protein per snack.
    2. Eat plain greek yogurt instead of regular yogurt. One serving of greek yogurt contains between 15-20 grams of protein depending on the brand. I add raw honey and fresh fruit for sweetness.
    3. Eat raw nuts. Most nuts contain at least 7 grams of protein per servings and offer tons of other health benefits too!
  3. Use protein powders and bars. Protein bars and powders can be a super helpful way to increase your protein intake throughout the day especially if you are on the go. Like I mentioned above, try to make sure the bars/powders you are consuming are full of real ingredients instead of ingredients you cannot read or pronounce. Stop by the front desk at Fitness Unlimited and we’ll show you some of our favorite products. 
  4. Prep your protein in advance: This tip is the key to making protein intake easy. Whatever protein source you are making, double or triple it every time you cook that way you always have something in the fridge you can grab. If I know I have a busy week coming up I will grill (or bake) a bunch of chicken in advance so I can have it for lunch or dinner at any point during the week. While variety is obviously nice, sometimes convenience is even better when eating healthy. 
  5. Plan: Planning may sound simple but sometimes it is the step we often look over. Take 5 minutes at the beginning of your week to think about protein sources you want to incorporate in the upcoming days, write them down on your grocery list and then head to the grocery store and stalk up. You are much more likely to incorporate protein into your day if you have already planned to.
  6. High protein items: To make grocery shopping and planning a little easier for you here is a list of high protein items you can grab next time you go to the store: Rx Bars, clean protein powders, plain cottage cheese, plain greek yogurt, raw peanut butter, raw edamame, sushi (not tempura), chicken, steak, salmon, eggs, chia seeds, hemp seeds, canned tuna, raw trail mix, energy bites, and tofu. OR if none of the above sounds good to you, take matters into your own hands and start reading labels on the items you buy to see how much protein they contain. 

I hope these tips are helpful and that you feel strong and amazing after incorporating clean and lean protein into your daily routine! If you need help incorporating more protein please do not hesitate to reach out, I’d love to help you.

Cheers to lots of protein and an awesome August!


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