Complete childcare center
Childcare is available for all active members at Fitness Unlimited. childcare is additional. Please see pricing below.
- Childcare ages - 3 months to 10 years.
Monday - Friday 8:15 am - 12:00 pm
Monday - Thursday 4:15 pm - 7:15 pm
Saturday 8:00 am - 11:00 am - You must pre-register for childcare. Please call during childcare hours to book your spot. If no one is pre-booked for childcare, we may close it for the day - 617-698-0260
- For information, please contact Jacquie Nagode, our Childcare Director at
We have friendly, qualified staff and lots of stimulating activities, all in a fun and safe environment for little ones. Childcare is available for all Active Members.
You must book childcare in advance of your workout. We do require a two hour notice to cancel a reservation. A $5 fee will be charged to your account if you cancel within two hours of your scheduled visit.
For more information, call our Childcare Director, Jacquie Nagode at 617-698-0260 or email at
- Unlimited Monthly Plans are available
- One Child: $40
- Two Children: $50
- Three Children $60
- (Your payment will be auto deducted on the first of every month. We do require a 15 day written notice to cancel.)
- Daily Visit $12 per visit per child
My name is Jacquie Nagode and I am thrilled to be the Child Care Director at Fitness Unlimited! I have over eight years of experience working with children in a variety of settings. From teaching, to camp counseling, to nannying. Working with children is what I love to do. I joined Fitness Unlimited as a member this year and it has become very special to me. Beth and Cindy have cultivated such a positive and uplifting environment for women. I intend to create that same environment for all the children coming through the doors each day. I am looking forward to meeting you all!