By Jillian Boston, Personal Trainer & Fitness Nutrition Specialist
Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2025 is off to a fabulous start. I know this is a huge time for resolutions and that in itself can feel overwhelming on top of everything else you have going on. So what if instead of setting resolutions this year you just focused on you… It may sound a bit strange because so many of us tend to focus on others – whether it be our families, friends, children, spouses, work, etc. All of which is fantastic but can also be really draining if you don’t take care of yourself. What if I told you focusing on you would actually HELP you with all of the above. Sometimes we are so busy doing things for other people that we neglect ourselves and when we do take time for ourselves we think it is selfish. Maybe this year is about being a little bit selfish by filling your own cup?! And I don’t mean selfish in a way that is negative towards someone else but selfish in a way that is actually good for you. For example, maybe you close your eyes for 5 minutes instead of tackling the next thing on the to-do list or you take a yoga class at the gym instead of folding the never ending laundry. I say this all because the to-do list will always be there so why not do it when you feel fantastic and calm instead of stressed and tired. Here are some ideas to do more of or less of to help you focus on you in 2025.
More selfcare… Spend the extra 10 minutes in the sauna, book the spin class, do the face mask, go to dinner with your friends, sleep for an extra 30 minutes, take a midday nap, get the massage, do the things you LOVE!
Less saying yes when you really mean no… Without even realizing it, we often say yes because we think it’s the right thing to do in the moment but isn’t actually what is best for us. By saying yes when you really mean no you actually cause stress to your nervous system which can result in anxiety, disrupted sleep, gut issues, bloat, you name it. So next time you want to say no, do it and your body will thank you.
More doing things that make you feel creative and alive…When you do things that you love your body literally produces more happy hormones. Think how awesome everything would be if you were operating from a state of happiness!? Laundry would be more fun, waking up early would be more fun, sitting in traffic would be more fun. Taking the time to do positive things for yourself will literally have a ripple effect across all aspects of your life.
Less doing things because you feel like you have to…This one is HUGE! The world puts a lot of unrealistic pressure on all of us and if you actually take a second to view things from the outside you’ll notice that a lot of it is just adding extra stress to your life. When your to-do list seems unmanageable, take a deep breath and really take inventory of what has been written down and then ask yourself, “what really has to be done?” I bet you’ll notice a lot of it is just things you feel like you have to do but really would be completely fine if you didn’t. Then instead of spending time doing those things, take that time for you… I promise you won’t regret it!
More treating your body well so it treats you well… Drink water because it makes you thrive, eat whole foods to fuel your body with energizing nutrients, prioritize sleep so your body can repair, rest when you need to, and take time for experiences and people that make you belly laugh!
Less putting someone else’s needs above your own. Obviously we can’t always do this but in the moments that you feel worn out and drained take that as a sign that you need to do something for you. Sometimes it is as simple as reading your favorite book for an hour or going to your favorite workout with friends. Next time you feel drained, do something for you and watch how your entire day and week change for the better.
More finding joy in the little things…How we perceive things has a colossal impact on how we feel in the moment which can affect us positively mentally and physically. If you believe your coffee is the best coffee you’ve ever had, if you believe today is the best day, if you jump out of bed excited for the day (even if it can seem daunting) it will truly change the game for you!
I truly hope 2025 is the year that you choose you because YOU deserve it! All of us at Fitness Unlimited are here to help you in any way you need. Our club is filled with amazing members, amenities, staff, workout classes, and nutrition programs all to help you live better daily. To help you put the best version of you in motion, join us for our Living Better Daily (LBD) Program kicking off on January 9th!